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• Large Scale Paintings W/ the Gel Plate

This workshop will help you think outside of the dimensions of your plate so that you can use familiar techniques to create a large scale painting that is, for example, 4 by 4 feet, or even scroll length. You will learn to work as big as you wish.You will learn to use the plate as a mixed media tool, rather than an end-all tool. In this master class, we will look at this process from the perspective of a painter. We will use paintbrushes and other mark making tools. We will use paper sizes of approximately 24 X 30 inches. Incorporating new and existing Gel Prints in to the collage process, over printing, & building up rich textures with stencils, stamps, paint brushes and other mark making tools. These techniques will result in a finished piece of art with a complex, lush and richly informed surface.This course includes two pre-recorded sessions and a replay of a live session

• Gel Printing Fabric to Book Structure W/ Encaustic Wax Book Covers

I have designed this workshop as a truly unique Master class in this series because who wouldn’t want to go deeper into printing on fabric with the Gel plate? We will work with different fabrics all designed to ultimately culminate in a finished book structure. We will be creating an uber juicy & thick book with covers collaged from gelli printed fabrics we've made and thennnn….drum roll please….cover with encaustic wax!!! Yes, Wax! Using, eco friendly non toxic beeswax, we will use the encaustic wax on our book cover and boards and experiment with using the wax on some of the fabric pages in our books as well.